I need to migrate a management server R80.20 to a new management server R80.40 but the new management server needs to be a different IP address due to a new location. Could anyone tell me best way to go about this please?
I saw this sk73120 on the internet https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solut...
Is this a good way of doing the migration? if so is it ok for R80.40 (as not listed on the sk?
Also a bit unclear on steps 1 and 2 see below - create dummy object etc?
1.On the original Security Management server (before the export), create a Secondary "dummy" (without SIC) Management object with the IP address of the destination machine (the new Security Management server).
2.Save and install policy on the Gateways. Delete the dummy object and install database (without policy installation
Many Thanks