We currently have 2 management servers running R81.10, to manage our numerous gateways spread across the world. We created the second one to support our migration plan, as the datacenter hosting the Primary will be closed in 2 months.
So we are in a Management HA scenario. The Secondary lies in AWS, and is now the Active. This works great. Of course, when we tested to shutdown the Primary (or issue a cpstop), some issues occurred, with our IPSEC VPN for instance. We later understood it was because the Primary still holds the CA role, even if it's not the Active server.
We now need to validate how we could make the Secondary-Active to become the Primary-Active. And also safely shutdown and delete the server in the datacenter. So the goal is to only have the one in AWS eventually.
Can I simply follow the steps in R81.10 Security Management Administration Guide, under title "Promoting a Secondary Management Server to Primary" ? The previous titles under this section are clearly for DR, which is not really our case here, so I won't be able to recover/reuse the current Primary management IP. Won't it be a problem for the CA or other roles ?
Thanks for your advises.