Hello All,
Since an upgrade on our P1 to R80.10, we have seen some unique logging issues (TAC is engaged and has also involved CFG, which is at ~day 90 right now with no indication as to what is causing this on a single domain).
In 11 out of 12 instances, (DOMAIN1 thru DOMAIN11), we have global policy assigned, total of 89 rules where rule 90 would start local policy. Logs show global rules hitting anywhere between 1-89 in SmartLog, and rules in local policy start at 90.1 - 90.X, where X is the last rule in local policy.
There is a single domain/CLM/CMA (DOMAIN12) that is showing rules 1-89 OK in SmartLog, but, what would normally start at 90.1 is 90, then 91, 92 and so on. The 90.X logic is not being applied for a single domain/CLM/CMA. If I run an mdsstop_customer for the CLM in DOMAIN2, logs start being sent to the CMA, as it is the secondary log server, those logs also do not show 90.X, they are a normal 1-900 (if 900 rules were in policy). The problem is when SmartLog is used and a rule is hit, it does not indicate the actual rule # being hit. This is the same symptom if Tracker is used as well.
Has anyone else seen this issue or resolved it?
I've looked at sk131552, all 12 domains are configured the same, box is checked.