Thanks all.<br>
I'm not sure if you guys looked at the screenshots I put up? I think you'll see I'm attempting to use a Null profile with all blades turned off for the "Microsoft - recommended HTTPS bypass" updatable object. It is not working. (In my screenshot you'll see I named my null profile "Internal_All_Off".)<br>
I'm not trying to handle this via exceptions as I already know that exceptions serve a different purpose.<br>
I'm guessing you cannot use updatable objects in the "Protect Scope" column of TP profiles, otherwise this traffic would not be hitting the TP blades right now, and yet clearly it is. OR... as I wrote/questioned before...<br>
"The only thing I can think is that the "Microsoft - recommended HTTPS bypass" updatable object says it is grabbing all IP's related to "*" and "*" (among the many url's) but this traffic that I'm seeing is "" so it's possible it's not matching because it's one level deeper ("tlu") than the deepest level shown on sk163595? I wasn't sure how the wildcard on the SK matched, and if would require the match to be to "*" to work?"<br>
I don't have access to a good lab environment to test this out. Is there any chance anyone could try the same in a lab environment and tell me if you get it to work when using updatable objects? It doesn't even have to be the "Microsoft - recommended HTTPS bypass" updatable object, any one of the updatable objects will work just to prove it out.