Just as a disclaimer i have only been working with checkpoint products for a few months and have been somewhat thrown in at the deep end! I'm not complaining as it seems to be a good product and its the best way to learn.
- What is the difference between Log correlation and Indexing
- How can i see what has and has not been correlated / indexed?
- Can i monitor the current process of correlation / indexing?
- In the scenario i describe below do I also need to import the policy to get the best results? #
- In the scenario i describe below can we be doing anything better?
The situation I am in is we have been contacted by someone who needs to see the logs from around 3 months ago. We currently run a task overnight to take files that are in $FWDIR/log/ and over 10 days old zip them up and put them onto a remove server.
To restore these logs i have...
- spun up a temporary management server
- run cpstop
- copied the zipped log files into a tmp directory and then unzipped them back into $FWDIR/log/
- we have edited vi $INDEXERDIR/log_indexer_custom_settings.conf to include " :days_to_index (365)"
- run cpstart
- Configured the management server to run the "SmartEvent Server" and "SmartEvent Correlation Unit" and published the change.
- Confirmed the management server object is configured for "Enable Log Indexing" under the logs section.
- Confirmed the management server object is has "Delete index files older than" unticked under the Logs->Storage section.
When i then go into Logs and Monitor and search for stuff in these logs i cant see anything, suggesting the log files have not been indexed?
What i can do is go File -> Open Log File..., select a specific log file and then search for what i need. What i need to do is work with the full 24 hours worth of logs in one go though (we generate about a log and hour)?!
If i configure a report to run on the data am i only able to run it on one log file at a time?
This all seems very in-efficient for a production well known for its logging capabilities so I'm pretty sure this is PICNIC/Layer8!