Hi there, in this post we’re going to use GAIA different backup and restore options for Security Management and for Security Gateways.
We’ll use the table below as a reference for the backup options:

Let’s start with last column. by log in into the security gateway, and run the command save configuration A-GW-01-202010
We can confirm the file was generated successfully by looking at the home directory of the user.
If something happens to the running configuration or we want to upload the file to a new gateway or security management server, we simply run the command load configuration A-GW-01-202010. Take a look at the image below as an example:

As for the migrate export/import option, we have to run it in expert mode only, using the command ./migrate export A-SMS-BACKUP-202010 inside the folder $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools or just call the script $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools/./migrate in case you are in a different folder:

Once the back up finishes, we can see that the file size is bigger than the previous one.

Now we can send the backup file to the destined server (new management server) and import the backup by running the command ./migrate import A-SMS-BACKUP-202010.

This process will take some time so, be patient. Once it finishes successfully, it will prompt to enable the Check Point services.

As for system backup I'll reference the links below, because I found them very clear and easy to understand.
System Backup
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