we really enjoy the feature 'add snapshot' on a MDS system and would like to run this frequently (2-4 times a week)
However, we recognized that taking a snapshot on a MDS really slows down the complete box.
According cpview 24 CPU's but only 1 at 100% usage, 23 are bored.
During this time,
-login via SmartConsole fails
-doing a policy verification took ages
-login via ssh to MDS took ages
Average load with top shows around 50, normal operation load is 2-5.
Healtcheck and other reports are fine.
During snapshot creation, this message appears frequently:
MDS1> show snapshots
Restore points:
Restore point now under creation:
SNAP2_20092021 (32%)
NMSNAP0042 System is too busy, please try again in a few seconds.
- do you experience the same issue / behavior
- does R81.10 has the same behavior / will it solve the issue
Currently running Smart-1 MDS R80.40 T91, but same behavior was already seen with R80.30
Not sure if sk104788 also applies on R80.40