Or a solution without Check Point support for VMWare and Hardware without RAID controller:
Attention, you can also destroy your system with this steps.
Should also work on an appliance or OpenServer without a RAID controller. I tried it with an appliance in the LAB.
So I used the best of aforementioned sites and successfully reset the admin password with this procedure on R80.10:
a) Configure the Check Point VM to use a recent Ubuntu/Debian Desktop ISO and boot from CD-ROM. Select Try Ubuntu so you will have a Live environment without installing Ubuntu.
b) Open the Terminal application.
c) Enter the following command: sudo su –
d) Create a mounting point: mkdir /mnt/cp
e) Mount the Gaia filesystem: mount /dev/mapper/vg_splat-lv_current /mnt/cp
f) Change the root directory to the Gaia root: chroot /mnt/cp
g) Backup the current Gaia configuration database: cp /config/db/initial_db /config/db/initial_db_backup
h) Connect to the Gaia configuration database: sqlite3 /config/db/initial_db
i) Query the database using SQLite to locate the current admin password. The last line is the current password hash:SELECT * from revisions WHERE binding=”passwd:admin:passwd”;
j) Update the database using SQLite to change the password to ‘admin’. Replace the text old-pw-hash below with the last hash from step i):UPDATE revisions SET value=”$1$zIVyrIdj$1LBW7Pg6XOcXYIgFPTppY.” WHERE binding=”passwd:admin:passwd” AND VALUE=’old-pw-hash‘;
k) Exit SQLite by entering the following command: .exit
l) Exit chroot and go back to Ubuntu/Debian: exit
m) Unmount the Gaia filesystem: umount /mnt/cp
n) Reboot the Check Point VM by entering: reboot
o) Login to the console, SSH or Gaia Portal using user admin and password admin.
p) When in CLISH or Gaia Portal don’t forget to change the password for user admin (and document it!)
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