You can use "fwm logexport -i ${log_file} -p -n -z -s", optionally run the output through awk for some filtering if you want. Instead of redirecting output directly to a file, pipe it to an inline "gzip -9c > /var/log/${export_file}.gz"
for log_file in ${FWDIR}/log/*.log; do
fwm logexport -i ${log_file} -n -p -z -s |\
awk -F '\xFF' '/some_filter/ { print $0 }' |\
gzip -9c > /var/log/SOME_DIR/${export_file}
Keep in mind, tho, that each file is:
1) separated by 0xFF (ASCII 255), because of "-s" option. Remove this to make it semicolon-separated, depending on your need, but change your awk field separator, too (-F ";")
2) the column headers are included in the first line
3) NOT ALL FILES will have the same number of fields, nor will they always have the same fields
The importer will need to take this into account, but they have all the data because the column headers are included.
Then SCP/SFTP the files off to somewhere, or mount a CIFS volume directly (be sure you specify the domain name in UNC format with the username: mount //server/share /mnt/cifs -t cifs -o username=AD_DOMAIN/AD_User).