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See below from AI copilot, it alligns with what @Chris_Atkinson gave.
To check the HA status of a Multi-Domain Server, you can use themdsstatcommand. This command shows the status of specific processes on the Multi-Domain Server and Domain Management Servers.
Here is the syntax for themdsstatcommand:
mdsstat [-h] [-m] [<Name or IP Address of Domain Management Server>]
-h: Displays help message.
-m: Test status for Multi-Domain Server only.
: Specifies the Domain Management Server by its name or IPv4 address.
To check the status of the Multi-Domain Server, you can run the following command:
mdsstat -m
This will display the status of the processes on the Multi-Domain Server.
Possible Statuses of Processes:
up: The process is up.
down: The process is down.
pnd: The process is pending.
If you need to check the HA status specifically, you can use thecpprod_utilcommand to find out the current status and set the Management station to Active or Standby status.
Check Current HA Status:
cpprod_util FwIsActiveManagement
0: Standby
1: Active
Set Management Station to Standby:
cpprod_util FwSetActiveManagement 0
Set Management Station to Active:
cpprod_util FwSetActiveManagement 1
Restart Management Station:
After changing the status, you should restart the Management station:
Note:On Multi-Domain Security Management Server, use the appropriate commands (mdsenv <Domain Name>and thenmdsstop_customer <Domain Name>).
Please make sure to follow the below mandatory guidelines, to minimize the potential impact of this plan as possible:
• The kernel debug is a heavy operation (even if it's "light") and might cause a machine to hang or even crash the machine.
• You must perform this operation only during a maintenance window due to the high impact this operation might have.
• Be sure to have a console connection available in case the machine hangs.
• Validate before and after the operation that the state of the machine is stable (no high CPU, etc).
Important - To prevent negative impact on your production environment, double-check the provided information in the Administration Guide for the involved product.