I'm not aware of a mechanism within Smartconsole to match applications based on category.
However, it is possible to query them via the API from the command line. This is how I managed to query it from the cli and dump it to a file. This particular script is only selecting options from the additional-categories and not the primary category.
mgmt_cli -r true login > session.id
appcount="`mgmt_cli -s session.id show application-sites -f json limit 1 | jq -r .total`"
touch applist
while [ $displayed -lt $appcount ];
mgmt_cli -s session.id show application-sites -f json details-level full limit 100 offset ${displayed} | jq -r '.objects[]|select(."additional-categories"[] | contains("High Bandwidth"))|[.name,."primary-category",."additional-categories"|tostring]|@csv' >> applist
let displayed+=100
mgmt_cli -s session.id logout