I'm experiencing a weird MHO issue when changing the speed of an uplink port from 10G to 1G.
Dual-Site, Dual Orchestrator setup. Orchestrators (MHO-140) run on latest R80.20SP JHF 317.
After I plugged a 1000BASE TX Copper (RJ45) transceiver into port 26 of each of the four MHOs, then port 26 is shown as plugged and there's no link state as it's still set to 10G (default).

I changed it to 1G on all MHOs and port 26 link state looks good.
> show maestro port 1/26/1 qsfp-mode
Port 26 qsfp-mode is 10G
> set maestro port 1/26/1 qsfp-mode 1G
Successfully set port 1/26/1 qsfp-mode to 1G

20secs later all MHOs lost connectivity. Even the rear Mgmt1 ports are not accessible anymore.
I rebooted all MHOs together but the issue remains. They come up, are available for some secs and then lose connectivity.
The rear Mgmt1 port only becomes accessible if orchd stop
is executed.
I already checked sk175549 as it sounds similar but it doesn't provide a solution.
Did anyone experience this before? I immediately opened a service request with TAC, but still waiting to have it forwarded to the Maestro team.
@Anatoly @Jan_Irani @Christian_Hofma @Tom_Kendrick @Lari_Luoma @Laszlo_Csosza @Jochen_Hoechner