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MHO Sync connection cables


I've a question about sync connection between two MHO in a single site configuration; is it possibile to connect Sync port through a fiber cable with SFP+ transceiver or it's mandatory to use DAC cables?


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6 Replies

I have done that for sync port and it works. I had the same challange to figure out whether one can only use dac cables or only fiber optics or a mix of both. If you read in the R81 SP guide it both are supported

On drawings I have seem one have 2 orchestrators in one rack with all the gateways below. But if one puts on orchestrator in separate racks with a distance of more than 3 meter DAC cable length you have to use fiber optics to make sure of high avilibility and stabilitet.

It will work.

Best Regards
Mentor Mentor

Its not mandatory to use DAC, but I believe you should not mix (I can't remember why).  I would suggest contacting your SE to qualify this for your specific setup.



This should be fine. I have set up a couple of Maestro solutions where the MHO's are in different rooms. I have done a mix of DAC and SFP without any issue.



Thanks guys for your replies.

In my scenario, I have two MHOs and two gateways installed in two different racks; rack1 contains MHO1 and GW1; rack2 contains MHO2 and GW2; SYN can be, of course, realized through 2 fiber cables.

Downlinks from GW1 to MHOs could be done in this way?

From MHO1 to GW1 using DAC cable, and from MHO2 to GW1 using fiber (specular configuration for GW2).

All the uplinks from MHOs to internal network could be realized mixing DAC and fiber.

Do you think this could be acceptable?

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Hi, yes. This will be fine - I have done the same setup - where I have gateways connected to the MHO using a mix of sfp and dac - no worries ! 🙂 

Just remember to use the exact same ports on both MHO's. (for example: GW1 port 1 - MHO1 port 27  (SFP) -- GW1 port 2 - MHO1 port 27 (DAC) ).. I have seen lots of people thinking about the orchestrators as switches.. they are not 🙂 


Basically it is a loadbalancer and the ports needs to go to the same ports on the MHO.

I have made similar setup but instead of 2 SGM I have chosen 3 SGM in a single site Maestro setup with two MHO.

I have been happy with this setup in case of a kernel crash the third gateway just keep everything running while one or two gateways are booking without affecting the users. This only happended to me in EA. In GA this is not normal.

If your configure it right and possible with assistance from Professional Services. I believe you will be very satisfied with the Maestro solution.

Every day I see a lot of benefit of going with Maestro than the traditional HA cluster.

Best Regards
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