Hello -- I'm simply looking for web resource with CP official black/white statement that R80.20 GAIA 3.10 kernel is not supported on CP badged gateway appliance.
At min, I would expect such a statement or reference in one of following:
- release notes
- install and upgrade guide
- SK141173 on R80.20 and GAIA 3.10 kernel
Why is Check Point being somewhat evasive on topic?
To address the expected comments: yes, I understand the R80.20 GAIA 3.10 feature most benefit Management platforms (Smartcenter, log server, Smartevent). I would like to have option to run journaling filesystem on gateway (ie. XFS).
Yes, I understand there's an extensive list of [surprising] limitations of GAIA 3.10 kernel, the R80.20 codebase, and ClusterXL + IPv6 features (ie. mileage may vary -- or not work at all).
Any insight would be appreciated. -Garrett