When you first converted this cluster to VSX, you were presented with the security policy for it.
By default, for VS0, these rules are present:
VSX Gateway Management
In the VSX Gateway Management window, define security policy rules that protect the VSX Gateway. This policy is installed automatically on the new VSX Gateway.
Note - This policy applies only to traffic destined for the VSX Gateway. Traffic destined for Virtual Systems, other virtual devices, external networks, and internal networks is not affected by this policy.
The security policy consists of predefined rules for these services:
- UDP - SNMP requests
- TCP - SSH traffic
- ICMP - Echo-request (ping)
- TCP - HTTPS traffic
Unless you've added OSPF to this policy at the time of creation, it may not be permitted from VS0.
If you have not yet created other VS' and installed policies on those, try:
[Expert@HostName:VSID]# vsenv 0
[Expert@HostName:0]# fw unloadlocal
To see if it'll change the behavior.
Otherwise, try unloading policies from other VS' first, and then from VS0 and repeat your experiment.
For the life of me, I cannot recall how, or even if, it is possible to adjust VS0 (VSX) policy after conversion is completed.
Good luck,