Hi guys!
So first up, let me explain why I gave this, my first "real" blog entry, the title; "There are no problems, only challenges!".
When I was in the early twenties I was so lucky to get my own office... the first thing I wrote on the board was that sentence. I got it from a man, who's really close to me, and has been it all my life; my dad! He was and is a hard-worker, loyal and just - I respect and strive to be like him! I once talked with him about some "problems" that I had and he just told me; "son, there are no such things as problems, only challenges to be solved". So that is what I live by today... which means no matter what I encounter of obstacles I'll do it as a challenge and with a positive spirit!
So, now you know that... what else... well, my name is Niels Z. Poulsen, I'll short it to Niller which is easier to spell an talk in english. For the past +two years I've been working af Check Point in DK, as en SE. Before that I've done loads of stuff - though not much related to CP per say. Mostly in consulting. However when I joined CP I joined full-hearted! So now I spent most of my awakening hours reading, learning, telling and selling Check Point IT Security Solutions.
What I do, how I do it and what I experience along the road doing so, is what I want share in my following blog entries.
Though it will not only be about what I experience, I'll also try to share some of the things I see other do - and do great. Share what our user group does and submit some of our customers feedback. All related to Check Point and IT-security... and maybe a bit of fun as well 
I've chosen the CheckMates community to be place for it... let's promote this place - it rocks!!!
This is all for now folks... next I'll write a bit about a challenges I just got and what I'm about to do to overcome it 
See you soon!