Looking at the cpview screenshot this must be R77.20 or lower?
The text next to that screenshot seems to come from a monitoring system, the first thing you need to do is set threshold there to 90% instead of 70%.
That your Gateway runs above 70% load on CPu's is nothing special, what you should look at is why this started, did you recently:
- Upgrade the internet connection
- Start using Office365 or any other cloud service
Does the monitoring system have graphs to show the load over time? If so can you see how the load increased, was it a quick jump at the moment that the line upgrade was done or was it a steady growth?
First advice: Upgrade the setup to R80.20 as soon as you can (if the hardware supports it).
If not possible at least go to R77.30 as this will give you a lot better options to tune the performance.
Even though these linked documents are about R80 a lot of these things can still be used on R77.30 as well.
Regards, Maarten