update Sept20, 2019. significantly more information has surfaced on this topic since original post.
The default GAIA R80.20/R80.30 network driver does not work well on Nutanix platform. Check Point Solution Center has released an updated driver for Nutanix platform that is specifically for GATEWAY deployments. You local Check Point field engineer can obtain this through internal process with Solution Center.
However, the development and testing for this NIC driver and Nutanix is ONLY for gateway and SmartCenter is not currently supported.
>>> original <<<<
We have fielded similar query from customer "migrating SmartCenter virtual instance from VMware to Nutanix".
Our local CP engineer researched and was told "not officially supported but it should work". In addition, there was suggestion to test operation thoroughly as possible to identify any obvious service-affecting issues. If nothing awful, then issues encountered for production instance would be review on case-by-case basis.
Ie -- software config issues would be supported as normal, but it something seems to be result of platform then customer on own.
Customer OK with this position. We built Nutanix SmartCenter image (32G RAM, 8Cores, 500G disk) and have been playing to insure no surprises.
on side topic of GATEWAY on Nutanix, CP engineers have "internal" PDF that details how to deploy gateway on Nutanix. This under the Cloudguard realm. CP maintaining pre-build nutanix images that are downloaded internally and deployed on customer.
Best wishes. -GA