I'll agree with aner sagi in that Checkpoint should be more flexible with their EOS/EOL schedule to reflect the situation in the field.
Some versions were so problematic (R75 which was understandable for the painful transition to Gaia), that they should have been retired much sooner than the set period. Yet other versions, like R77.30, should have a chance of longer support period because the situation in the Enterprises currently is such :
- 80-90% of the firewalls in Ent LANs/perimeter are non R80 (mostly R77.30) with no immediate plans to upgrade
- Major (only?) driving force to upgrade I see is purchasing the new UTMs which come pre-installed with R80
- "Problem"
of the R77.30 is that it is exceptionally good and stable firewall, and firewalls are not upgraded on 'Windows Tuesdays', therefore even if R80 is all good and fancy, it is not enough of a reason for clients to upgrade otherwise fully functioning firewall. - The bottom line is that R77.30 is going for sure outlive the set support end date, including large account clients which will not take for an answer "Sorry, not supported anymore, go upgrade" and extending support officially would make life of Checkpoint Support and R&D/Partners/VARs easier in my opinion.