We are currently experiencing issues with Identity Awareness. PEP gateways arent enforcing access roles for all users. This seems to be affecting various amounts of users, and a workaround has been to restart the pep daemon, which is not a proper fix.
The setup is pretty standard, with 3 pdp gateways feeding identities to some pep gateways. This has been working quite well, but last week, we noticed an increase in users losing access to resourcec, where the rules are based on access roles.
Identity source is identity collector, and service accounts are excluded. Identity collectors appear to be working fine, and i see plenty of events being registered, same with users and machines.
Not sure if there are problems with cache, time to live or other of the settings? What would be the potential risk of changing any of these values, and if so, are there any recommendation on what to set?
We are running r81.10, t66