After a soft-launch back in February 2023, we have formally launched a new support portal!
This means (and links to the previous site) now redirect to the new site
It has a completely redesigned interface (mobile-friendly, even!) and has significantly improved performance.
Latest features:
Subscription to individual SK aritcles (from 30 Jan 2024).
- In an SK article, click 'Subscribe' in the top right corner.
- To see all these subscribed SK articles, on the main Support Center page, click "My Subscriptions".
- Refer to the section "Subscribe to updates for specific articles".
Subscription to SK articles of types "Product Alert" and "Security Alert" (from 30 Jan 2024).
- On the main Support Center page, click "My Subscriptions".
- Refer to the top sections "Product Alerts" and "Security Alerts".
Subscription to SK articles for each Product (from 07 July 2024).
- On the main Support Center page, click "My Subscriptions".
- Refer to the bottom section "Subscribe to updates for specific products".
- The main toggle enables / disables the entire feature (whether to send / not send the weekly email).
This email will be sent each Sunday and will contain all SK articles that were created / were updated in the past 7 days for the subscribed Products.
Note - If you disable the main toggle, then this page remembers all your subscriptions for all products.
- Click the relevant pillar.
- You can subscribe either to all products in this pillar or to specific products.
- At the top of this section, you can search for products.
Note - RSS support is not planned at this time.
Feedback is welcome!
Click here to send feedback for Check Point Support Center