Let's share more information regarding lightshot:
1. Main benefit of lightshot is the disk space and time it takes to take it. while legacy snapshot will consume more than 12G per snapshot (on large scale VSX env even more than 30G) and can take quite few minutes to take it, lightshot will consume only the delta changes between last lightshot taken. time will be very fast if no big delta (can be less then 10 seconds as well).
2. each snapshot has his own separate partition while lightshot partition is common to all lightshots (mounted to /mnt/lightshot when needed)
3. The reason why all lightshots sits on same partition is because it work with linux hardlinks (which support only on same partition) so each file which is the same between lightshots will just increase the reference count to the inode of the file.
4. There is no problem to delete lightshot not by their order. holes are ok and each lightshot do not count on his previous.
5. lightshot is unique per the appliance. each appliance can restore his own ligtshots only.
6. lightshot is taken periodically every night (03:00) on scalable platform appliances. Total 5 periodic lightshots are taken and rotate every day.

7. first lightshot taken automatically is the fcd (8G above) and then we can see next one is 3G because it include all what installed as part of FTW. then the other are on this setup ~141MB each
8. There is an option to take lightshot of appliance directly on target ssh server. then when needed import from the remote ssh server and restore it (target option in the clish/gclish lightshot command)