Hi Team,
I would like to share one of my experience in here.Recently we update our checkpoint cluster 77.20 to 77.30. Then worked fine for few months.
Suddenly cluster got freeze, we didn't able to get log for specific time slots, because we restarted affected firewall manually. According to Checkpoint support engineer we weren't install the hotfix to get core dumps. So in case you don't have core dumps they won't able to proceed further. Since support engineer guided us to install the new hotfix.
It was "Check_Point_R77_30_JUMBO_HF_1_Bundle_T286_FULL". Before install that hotfix you need to install latest Deployment agent "DeploymentAgent_000001298_1"
**Note - these packages need install to all security management appliance and firewalls
Please find the steps as follows
Install process
Install the Deployment Agent (cpuse agent):
1. SSH to the machine.
2. [Expert@Hostname] # cd /home/admin
3. [Expert@Hostname] # tar -zxvf DeploymentAgent_000001298_1.tgz
4. [Expert@Hostname] # rpm -Uhv --force CPda-00-00.i386.rpm
Install the general availability Jumbo Hotfix Take 286:
1. Enter the WebUI of the machine.
2. Under 'Upgrades (CPUSE)' go to 'Status and Actions' page.
3. At the top right of the page press 'Import Package'.
4. Browse for the - Check_Point_R77_30_JUMBO_HF_1_Bundle_T286_FULL.tgz file
After install those packages you will have core dumps, but in my case I got another problem too. After install those packages we got increase our virtual memory around 80%, Sometimes it increased to 90%
So we again contact support engineer solve this issue. Then he suggest us to install another hotfix for mitigate high usage of virtual memory.
hotfix - fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R77_30_JHF_T286_994_GA_FULL
**Note - This hotfix only for firewalls
Please find attachment for memory difference.
Thank you all, Hope this will help at-least few people in here