While trying to make my firewalls' configurations more consistent, I noticed something weird. Here it is reproduced on one of my personal boxes:
[Expert@DallasSA]# clish -c "show configuration" | grep snmp
set snmp agent-version any
set snmp community public read-only
set snmp agent-version v3-Only
[Expert@DallasSA]# clish
DallasSA> delete snmp community public
NMSSNM0075 SNMP v3-Only does not support community string.
DallasSA> set snmp agent-version any
DallasSA> delete snmp community public
DallasSA> set snmp agent-version v3-only
DallasSA> save config
DallasSA> exit
[Expert@DallasSA]# clish -c "show configuration" | grep snmp
set snmp agent-version v3-Only
[Expert@DallasSA]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R81.10 - Build 055
[Expert@DallasSA]# cpinfo -y fw1 | grep Take
This is Check Point CPinfo Build 914000239 for GAIA
It's possible for the clish config to have both "set snmp agent-version any" and "set snmp agent-version v3-Only" in it at the same time. When these lines are both present in the config, you have to enter "set snmp agent-version any" again in order to interact with the v2 community causing the "agent-version any" line to stick around. Once you have deleted it, you can switch to v3-Only and the "agent-version any" line actually goes away.
Seems like at least two minor bugs in clish.