I can't seem to find any information on this error online performing Google searches, so my apologies if this has been asked before.
A user of ours is getting this error every time he opens or creates a new project in DriveWorks:
t[121118T120721.695]p[1470:12]l[Error]s[Engine]: Can't emulate image (sha1 '86f9692d8b8f5b88734520a01ff829a2dc14c15c' path 'C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DW\Shared\DSGR 2018-11-12 12-07-19.driveprojx') because of: 'ProtocolError' 'The remote server returned an error: (402) Payment Required.'
Anyone know what that means? We're running R77.30.03 infrastructure with Check Point Endpoint Protection E80.83 installed using blades: MEPP, Anti-Ransomware, Anti-Bot, Threat Extraction & Emulation, Compliance, URLF, FW, App Control, & VPN. Since this software will be used by many after initial testing, I will need to make sure this doesn't happen to everyone.
Please don't tell me this is the obvious and someone hasn't paid the bill. 
Charlie Dobson