Is it really like this, or am I missing something essential here ?
SandBlast Agent Cloud
Use SmartView cloud for reports/logs/views - but ONLY for SandBlast Agent.
As pr feedback from Check Point, it is not yet possible to export this to an excisting log server. (let say you have an on prem enviromet of firewalls etc.)
SandBlast Mobile Cloud
EVENTS still in Beta, and buggy as bugs can get.
As pr feedback from Check Point, it is not yet possible to export this to an excisting log server. (let say you have an on prem enviromet of firewalls etc.)
An option to "show in smartview" is show under "Events and Alerts" - we have yet to see an implementation where this work, allways show "page cannot be displayed.."-with some domain name info etc..
So If I have a customer, with a management server on prem, 10-15 firewalls, log servers..etc etc. He will have to pull up 3 different vies to view logs, create reports ..etc ? (one for the as is, one for agent and one for mobile)