Dear CheckMates I create a perl script that helps me to import an R80.X policy from an CSV file exported from my R80.10 management upgradaded from R77.30.
the most important thing is that you must export an csv file from R80.X smartconsole following this example:
No.,Type,Name,Source,Destination,VPN,Services & Applications,Content,Time,Action,Track,Install On,Comments
Comments can be un-exported..
and delete the first 2 rows ( the file must start with the rule n1)
copy the script and the file exported on a TMP folder
create a directory called "file_import"
open the perl script "" and under "print CREA_RULES "prova" modify prova with the name of your layer od insert a variable.
then you can exec "./ file_exported.csv"
it creates 4 files into directory "file_import":
1 creare_regole.csv - the first file to be executed (read inside the file creare_regole.csv the USAGE)
2 add_obj_destinations.csv
3 add_obj_sources.csv
4 add_services.csv
these files popolate the "destination" - "source" , and "services"
NB.. the exported file can't contains INLINE LAYERS.