While building a framework to translate data between Check Point's API and another tool I'm working on, I noticed the "match-by-protocol-signature" property of TCP and UDP services is always false. This is the case even for objects with the protocol inspection set to a non-null value:
[Expert@LabSC1]# mgmt_cli -r true show services-tcp limit 500 details-level full --format json | jq -c '.objects[]|{name:.name,matchProtocol:."match-by-protocol-signature"}' | grep -v false | wc -l
[Expert@LabSC1]# mgmt_cli -r true show services-tcp limit 500 details-level full --format json | jq -c '.objects[]|{name:.name,matchProtocol:."match-by-protocol-signature",protocol:.protocol}'
This property does not appear to be related to protocol inspection, so what does it actually do?
I'm on R80.40 with API v1.6.1, but the property dates back to API v1.1.