Hi There,
Is there any way via CLI to update the topology settings for a numbered VTI interface that already exists without deleting all other network interfaces under the gateway?
We are attempting to set the "Leads To" value to "All_Internet" on the VTI interface via CLI.

Using the "set simple-gateway" removes all existing interfaces on an interface change, unfortunately.
Is there any other command that can be can used?
We could certainly create the VTI interfaces initially if this makes it easier, rather than update existing ones but I can't see a way to do that so far.
These are the steps we have been working through, currently (Step 4 - Set Topology "Leads to") is where this question relates,
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Step 1 - Create virtual tunnel interfaces “VTI“
add vpn tunnel 1 type numbered local remote peer ibosscloud-1
add vpn tunnel 2 type numbered local remote peer ibosscloud-2
set interface vpnt1 state on
set interface vpnt1 mtu 1500
set interface vpnt2 state on
set interface vpnt2 mtu 1500
Step 2 - Create “IP Reachability Detection“ - Monitoring Profiles
set ip-reachability-detection ping interval 10
set ip-reachability-detection ping address enable-ping on
set ip-reachability-detection ping address enable-ping on
Step 3 - Discover VTI Interfaces
get-interfaces target-name gw-102690 with-topology true
Step 4 - Set Topology "Leads to"