I wrote a small script, using the SDK from Checkpoint (GitHub - CheckPointSW/cp_mgmt_api_python_sdk: Check Point API Python Development Kit ) for checking IPS Updates with my Monitoring Server (Centreon, based on Nagios, more or less
For the login, the SDK is used (i changed one option in Login part of mgmt_api.py: (unsafe_auto_accept --> true) should work with the default - false - too, but was easier for me.
After successful logging in, we are parsing the API output from show-ip-status and comparing it with i.e actual date or "update available".
After some calculating and comparing the script gives output, understandable for Nagios based systems.
UNKNOWN = -1 - OK = 0 - WARNING = 1 - CRITICAL = 2


And there is a state WARNING for 1 - 3 Days Delta from IPS Update

The Thresholds are freely configurable (on daily base).
What would be good, is a possibility to get the current IPS Database version from Checkpoint, so, one might want to check the version against checkpoint, not, what the managment server found.
I started working on this with the question of Sven Glock (IPS Monitoring ) in mind - maybe that kind of helps... and for my own of course 
To use it on Nagios Server you need:
python installed (script worked with 2.7 and 3.7
in the plugin folder i created an own "checkpoint" folder, containing the SDK and my script.
Feel free to have a look, I´m sure, there is space for improvements.... 