I wrote a small script, using the SDK from Checkpoint (GitHub - CheckPointSW/cp_mgmt_api_python_sdk: Check Point API Python Development Kit ) for checking IPS Updates with my Monitoring Server (Centreon, based on Nagios, more or less )
For the login, the SDK is used (i changed one option in Login part of mgmt_api.py: (unsafe_auto_accept --> true) should work with the default - false - too, but was easier for me.
After successful logging in, we are parsing the API output from show-ip-status and comparing it with i.e actual date or "update available".
After some calculating and comparing the script gives output, understandable for Nagios based systems.
UNKNOWN = -1 - OK = 0 - WARNING = 1 - CRITICAL = 2
And there is a state WARNING for 1 - 3 Days Delta from IPS Update
The Thresholds are freely configurable (on daily base).
What would be good, is a possibility to get the current IPS Database version from Checkpoint, so, one might want to check the version against checkpoint, not, what the managment server found.
I started working on this with the question of Sven Glock (IPS Monitoring ) in mind - maybe that kind of helps... and for my own of course
To use it on Nagios Server you need:
python installed (script worked with 2.7 and 3.7
in the plugin folder i created an own "checkpoint" folder, containing the SDK and my script.
Feel free to have a look, I´m sure, there is space for improvements....