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- One-liner for Address Spoofing Troubleshooting
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One-liner for Address Spoofing Troubleshooting
🏆 Code Hub Contribution of the Year 2019!
📌 Available as SmartConsole Extension.
👍 Endorsed by Check Point Support!
One-liner (Bash) to show a summary about each gateway interfaces' calculated topology and address spoofing setting.
In expert mode run:
echo;tput bold;if [[ `$CPDIR/bin/cpprod_util FwIsFirewallModule 2>/dev/null` != *'1'* ]];then echo ' Not a firewall gateway!';tput sgr0;echo;elif [[ `grep $(echo -n :[[:space:]]\(;grep $(hostname)$ /etc/hosts|cut -f1 -d' ') $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set|wc -l` == "0" ]] && ([[ $INSTANCE_VSID == '0' ]] || [[ $INSTANCE_VSID == '' ]]);then echo ' Main IP of '$(hostname)' doesn`t match it`s management interface IP!';tput sgr0;echo;else echo -n ' Interface Topology ';tput sgr0;echo -n '> ';tput bold;tput setaf 1;if [[ -n "$vsname" ]] && [[ $vsname != *'unavail'* ]];then echo $vsname' (ID: '$INSTANCE_VSID')';else hostname;fi;tput sgr0;echo -n ' ';printf '%.s-' {1..80};echo;egrep -B1 $'ifindex|:ipaddr|\(\x22<[0-9]|objtype|has_addr_info|:monitor_only|:external' $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set|sed -n "/$(if [[ -n "$vsname" ]] && [[ $vsname != *'unavail'* ]] && [[ $INSTANCE_VSID != '0' ]];then echo $vsname;else grep `hostname`$ /etc/hosts|cut -f1 -d' ';fi)*$/,\$ p"|tail -n +3|sed 's/[\x22\t()<>]//g'|sed 's/--//g'|sed '$!N;s/\n:ipaddr6/ IPv6/;P;D'|sed '/IPv6/!s/://g'|sed 's/interface_topology/\tCalculated Interface Topology/g'|sed '0,/ifindex 0/{/ifindex 0/d;}'|sed '/ifindex 0/q'|sed '/spoof\|scan/d'|sed 's/has_addr_info true/\tAddress Spoofing Protection: Enabled/g'|sed 's/has_addr_info false/\tAddress Spoofing Protection: Disabled/g'|sed -e '/Prot/{n;d}'|sed '$!N;s/\nmonitor_only true/ (Detect Mode)/;P;D'|sed '$!N;s/\nmonitor_only false/ (Prevent Mode)/;P;D'|sed '$!N;s/\nexternal false/ - Internal Interface/;P;D'|sed '$!N;s/\nexternal true/ - External Interface/;P;D'|sed '/objtype/q'|tac|sed '/ifindex 0/I,+2 d'|sed '/Address/,$!d'|tac|sed '/ifindex/d'|sed 's/,/ -/g'|sed '$!N;s/\nipaddr/ >/;P;D'|sed '/ - /s/^ /\t/'|egrep -C 9999 --color=auto $'>|IPv6|External|Disabled|Detect';echo;fi
The One-liner is IPv4 and IPv6 compatible, works on clustered and single gateway environments also within VSX, shows all interface types configured in your firewall object within SmartDashboad, colors specific words of the output for easier identification of important settings, adds additional information regarding Address Spoofing setting and mode as well as the topology type of each interface and is of course completely integrated within our ccc script.
Thanks to Tim Hall's preliminary work in this thread.
Thanks to Norbert Bohusch for IPv6 support and testing.
Thanks to Kaspars Zibarts, Bob Zimmerman, Jan Kleinhans for VSX support and testing.
Thanks to Anthony Joubaire for support and testing multiple installation targets.
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Hi Denny,
I built something once.
Depending on the interface, the corresponding networks from the IP spoofing area are displayed.
More see in this article:
Show Address Spoofing Networks via CLI
First experiment:
ifconfig -a | grep encap | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v bond | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq'
Second experiment:
ifconfig -a | grep encap | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v bond | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ '
Final version:
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v bond | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ '
Can be formatted even better with AWK,TR,SED.
Best Regards
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With IP and netmask:
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v bond | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 8 %|grep ip| tr \a\d\r\:\(\) \ ;echo -n " mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo " spoofing networks:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
More see in this article:
eth0 < Interface
ip < IP
mask < Netmask
spoofing networks:, < spoofing networks,
spoofing networks:,,,,,,
spoofing networks:,
spoofing networks:,
Here two IP addresses are visible, because it is a cluster with vip.
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Does that meet your requirements Danny Jung?
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Hi, Denny,
2500 points are a bit much 10 while also ok.
We all like to help.
I'm going to update the CLI command a little bit this weekend. Maybe there's more you can get out of it.
I think that's very helpful. I would also like to include the routes and separate the VIP and physical IP.
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Your version contains an issue where an interface is still configured in a gateway's topology within SmartDashboard but was deleted on the GAiA OS and is therefore not shown via ifconfig. As your command relies on ifconfig this critical information is not reflected.
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ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 8 %|grep ip| tr \a\d\r\:\(\) \ ;echo -n " mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo " spoofing networks:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
I noticed that the bond interface was not displayed in the old version. Tested it on about 5 firewalls. Everything looks good so far.
For more infos see in this article with revisions:
Show Address Spoofing Networks via CLI
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ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
I noticed that the vip and ip interface was not displayed in the old version.
For more infos see in this article with revisions:
Show Address Spoofing Networks via CLI
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And the latest version:
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo -n " ANTISPOOFING ENABLED: ";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep has_addr_info | cut -c17- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ; echo -n " DETECT=true or PREVENT=false: "; more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 "eth5" | grep monitor_only | cut -c16- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ;echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
Now you can see the states off:
- DETECT=true or PREVENT=false
For more infos see in this article with revisions:
Show Address Spoofing Networks via CLI
Now I need a break. The one-liner make me crazy.
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Let's talk about some improvements.
Instead of your beginning:
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo
I'd suggest
grep -B1 ifindex $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | sed -n '1~3p' | cut -c 4- | sort | uniq
instead to actually reflect the calculated topology from SmartDashboard and not the one that is configured on GAiA OS. Otherwise users will run into issues if the configured interfaces topology in SmartDashboard doesn't match the one ifconfig results.
Furthermore I'd be of help if your One-liner would would return MODE: Detect or Mode: Prevent instead of DETECT=true or PREVENT=false.
I also noticed that your One-liner is currently grepping directly for eth5. This doesn't look correct.
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Hello Danny,
Thanks for the 2500 points. It's a little too much for a one-liner.
I think it's a great community and we should all help each other without rewards.
I gave you back 2500 points for your great work in this article Common Check Point Commands (ccc).
And thanks to everyone who helped to find the great commands for ccc.
Best Regards
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Sorry, of course a % must be used instead of eth5.
Here is the right version:
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo -n " ANTISPOOFING ENABLED: ";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep has_addr_info | cut -c17- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ; echo -n " DETECT=true or PREVENT=false: "; more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep monitor_only | cut -c16- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ;echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
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I hope this will be integrated into CCC.
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My original version is integrated within ccc starting from version 2.5.
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Hi Danny,
I think the "fw ctl zdebug drop" problem is not solvable because there is no interface mapping.
Output from "fw ctl zdebug drop":
;[cpu_1];[fw4_0];fw_log_drop_conn: Packet <dir 1, -> IPP 17>, dropped by do_inbound, Reason: Address spoofing;
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I'm checking on this if we could utilise some "after" event log fetch from log storage but that would be dependent on spoofing being logged actually. and it would not be that instantaneous
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Heiko Ankenbrand: I added to output not false/true but PREVENT/DETECT, but encountered another thing, not considered in your one-liner: VLAN Trunks (phy. IFs are also displayed and with all VLAN VIPs/Spoofing Networks)
Here the altered one-liner and a screenshot with the VLAN trunk issue:
# ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo -en " ANTISPOOFING ENABLED:\t";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep has_addr_info | cut -c17- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ; echo -en " ANTISPOOFING MODE:\t"; if [ `more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep monitor_only | cut -c16- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq` ]; then echo "PREVENT"; else echo "DETECT"; fi;echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
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Had after 4 hours no more nerves to improve the command .
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Hi Norbert,
There is a smal issue in the one-liner. I had add "|grep -o false".
ifconfig -a |grep -B 1 inet |grep encap| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v lo | grep -v ":" | grep -v ^lo | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo %;echo -n " VIP "; cphaprob -a if |grep %|grep -v U|grep -v D | cut -c16-| tr -d "\r\n" ;echo;echo -n " IP ";ifconfig % | grep "inet addr" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1;echo -n " Mask " ;ifconfig % | sed -rn "2s/ .*:(.*)$/\1/p";echo -en " ANTISPOOFING ENABLED:\t";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep has_addr_info | cut -c17- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq ; echo -en " ANTISPOOFING MODE:\t"; if [ `more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep monitor_only | cut -c16- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq| grep -o false` ]; then echo "PREVENT"; else echo "DETECT"; fi; echo -en " ANTISPOOFING TOPO:\t"; if [ `more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set |grep -A 30 % | grep external | cut -c12- | tr \) " " |sort -ng| uniq| grep -o true` ]; then echo "External"; else echo "Internal"; fi;echo " ADDRESS SPOOFING NETWORKS:";more $FWDIR/state/local/FW1/local.set | grep -A 30 %|grep ": (\""|sort -ng| uniq |tr \(\)\<\>\:\" \ ;echo " "'
I also added the interface topology setting.
I think this is the longest one-liner in the forum .
For more infos see in this article with revisions:
Show Address Spoofing Networks via CLI
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We can also add more fields.
:ifindex (3)
:span_port_interface (false)
:has_dir_scan_info (true)
:dir_scan_table (dir_scan_addrs_list4)
:has_addr_info (true)
:addr_table (valid_addrs_list4)
:mgmt_if_id (4)
:activate_mc_enforce (0)
:positive_mc_list (0)
:mc_log (0)
:overlap_nat (false)
:overlap_nat_src_addr ()
:overlap_nat_dst_addr ()
:overlap_nat_netmask (
:spooftrack (log)
:monitor_only (false)
:external (true)
:internal_type (undefined)
:access (undefined)
:dmz (false)
:mss_value (0)
I think "spooftrack" is intresting.
Or routing information of the interface
--> netstat -rn | grep <interface>
Do you want other fields?
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Wow, where can I buy a copy of 'All Checkpoint Onliner Bash Commands' by: holder-of-the-keys, for $99.95?
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Dear all,
I have tested you oneliner blindly during our saturday night, during an onsite migration 🙂
It's nearly perfect and but have only one limitation.
If there is multiple firewall on the policy target, they are all added to the local.set, and your oneliner only provide the first result;
meaning, firewall-Paris(single-GW) and firewall-Marseille(single-GW) are targets on the same package, the oneliner return the antispoofing policy of firewall-Paris on the firewall-Marseille
which let me think that firewall-marseille antispoofing was bad and makes me search for hours/days 🙂
I think (I'm terrible on scripting) that the problem on the oneliner is "sed '/ifindex 0/q'" which led to keep only the first part of the local.set.
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Hi Anthony,
thank you for this feedback. May I ask where you executed the One-liner? Management or Gateway?
Regards, Danny
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on the SMS side, each GW has his how local.set, I checked md5sum.
the result is the same,
you can make a quick test, with a fake firewall, added to the same policy,
on the :if_info section, you'll get both firewall.
issue is: script will take the same first one 🙂
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Thanks, I improved the code.
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I believe your test for VSX is incorrect:
if [[ $vsname != *'unavail'* ]]
It needs to be replaced in two places. The most reliable test I've found is this:
if [ $(ls /proc/vrf/ | wc -l) -gt 1 ]
/proc/vrf contains one subdirectory for every VRF on the system. There is always at least one VRF (0), so if the line count is greater than 1, there are multiple VRFs, so it's a VSX box.
SmartCenter R80.20 and up has already moved from VRFs to network namespaces, but as of R80.30, Firewall-1 has not. Still, it is likely to come in the future. This test should work for versions with use namespaces instead of VRFs:
if [ $(ip netns list | wc -l) -gt 1 ]
Edited to add: Also just noticed the two references to "$INSTANCE_VSID". That should probably be replaced with $(cat /proc/self/vrf). The $vsname and $INSTANCE_VSID variables are not set on older versions of VSX, while /proc/self/vrf is accurate on all versions which use VRFs.
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Hi @Bob_Zimmerman ,
thank you for these suggestions. I have reviewed them and didn't update the One-liner yet because:
- $vsname is used 4 times, only replacing 2 occurences doesn't make sense and I didn't find an alternative method to get the name of a VS quickly without $vsname
- VRF's will change to namespaces soon while my One-liner is independent of both
- R77.30 support expires next month, so older versions of VSX are obsolete soon
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The problem is $vsname doesn't even exist on non-VSX boxes. Thus, on non-VSX, it doesn't equal *'unavail'*, so the test always succeeds and takes the VSX path on non-VSX firewalls. The VSX path then tries to do things which don't work on non-VSX firewalls, such as looking for the value of $vsname (which, again, doesn't exist) in the local.set.
The script as it is does not work on non-VSX firewalls.
Edited to add: Also, it looks like $vsname isn't set when you initially log in to a VSX firewall. It's only set after the first vsenv.
Second edit: This combined test should work for both current VRF-based VSX and future netns-based VSX:
if [ $(ls /proc/vrf/ | wc -l) -gt 1 ] || [ $(ip netns list 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -gt 1 ]
The STDERR redirection is needed because on pre-3.10 firewalls, 'ip netns' fails and prints an error.
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On all non-VSX firewalls I tested (R80.20 & R80.30) $vsname returns:
[Expert@fw:0]# echo $vsname
<name unavailable>
Therefore the VSX path isn't taken on non-VSX firewalls and the One-liner works on all non-VSX firewalls I tested (many!).
I also just tested an initial login on a VSX firewall and right after system boot it shows:
[Expert@VSX:0]# echo $vsname
I take your concern very seriously and added
[[ -n $vsname ]]
as additional check to verify if $vsname is actually set. Does this fit your demand?
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From some quick testing, it looks like there would need to be quotes around $vsname, like so:
if [ -n "$vsname" ]
It looks like the test is actually NOT ("is this a string" AND "is this zero characters"). An unset variable isn't a string, so the "is this a string" is false, so the 'not' turns the test as a whole true. Putting the variable in quotes causes it to be inserted into a string, so the comparison works (NOT(true AND true) => false).
As for the rest, very strange! It definitely isn't set immediately on login on any system I have:
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R80.20 - Build 047
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]# echo $vsname
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]# vsx stat
VSX Gateway Status
Name: MyFW-01
Access Control Policy: VS0
Installed at: 7Apr2019 01:23:45
Threat Prevention Policy: <No Policy>
SIC Status: Trust
Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license: 10
Virtual Systems [active / configured]: 3 / 3
Virtual Routers and Switches [active / configured]: 2 / 2
Total connections [current / limit]: 124 / 2020400
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]# vsenv 0
Context is set to Virtual Device MyFW-01 (ID 0).
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]# echo $vsname
[Expert@MyFW-01:0 DOWN]#
The first firewall is pre-production, but here are three more of various versions and types:
[Expert@AnotherFW-01 ACTIVE]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R80.20 - Build 100
[Expert@AnotherFW-01 ACTIVE]# echo $vsname
[Expert@AnotherFW-01 ACTIVE]# vsx stat
VSX is not supported on this platform
[Expert@AnotherFW-01 ACTIVE]#
[Expert@ThirdFW-01 Active]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R77.30 - Build 048
[Expert@ThirdFW-01 Active]# echo $vsname
[Expert@ThirdFW-01 Active]# vsx stat
VSX is not supported on this platform
[Expert@ThirdFW-01 Active]#
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R77.30 - Build 104
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]# echo $vsname
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]# vsx stat
VSX Gateway Status
Name: FourthFW-01
Security Policy: VS0
Installed at: 27Nov2018 12:34:56
SIC Status: Trust
Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license: 10
Virtual Systems [active / configured]: 7 / 7
Virtual Routers and Switches [active / configured]: 1 / 1
Total connections [current / limit]: 7978 / 300100
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]# vsenv 0
Context is set to Virtual Device FourthFW-01 (ID 0).
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]# echo $vsname
[Expert@FourthFW-01:0 Active]#