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Hey guys,

Just spoke with Edward and here are my notes. Based on all I now know, Im fairly confident this is not CP issue, but @wrios12 , if you can verify with ISP provider, let us know what they say.


RS notes:

remote session

error -> Anti-Bot/Anti-Virus update failed. Update failed. Contract entitlement check failed

tested connectivity with curl_cli -k, verified routing, licences, contract file -> all good

opened "old school" sv monitor -> same error

TAC asked them to delete and re-create entitlement file, restart cpd process, but no change

We disabled av and ab. installed policy

re-enabled -> updates still fail, though error is back

Edward also mentioned 2nd cluster with exact same, one internal and one extarnal with exact SAME problem

sounds like it could be Internet line issue, not the fw itself

They may do packet capture on the router itself and check further

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