Hello @Austin_Ponten ,
Can you be more specific on the problem you're seeing?
I was setting up recently several Apple Cache servers and you can see below the firewall rules we have for those boxes.
(we have HTTPS Inspection enabled for ALL HTTPS 443 traffic)

The custom objects are below (no REGEXP):
apple.com object |
c.apple.news object |
App Store Object |
*.apple.com .apple.com .icloud.com *.icloud.com appleid.cdn-apple.com .cdn-apple.com *.cdn-apple.com |
c.apple.news .apple.news *.apple.news |
apps.mzstatic.com *.mzstatic.com .mzstatic.com .icloud-content.com *.icloud-content.com
With all those settings, I can tell you that I see the Apple Cache machines, being able to communicate with Apple Cloud, and the packages are downloaded/validated without any issues.
Thank you,