Hi Andy
- By setting the risk level of the Tik Tok app to high, end-user will get the notification as in the attachment (Screenshot...). This notification clearly indicates that the user should remove this app from their mobile device and why. From there, uninstallation is one-click ahead. Security admin are also reported the devices on which Tik Tok is installed in their Harmony Mobile management console under Events & Alerts (see attached screenshot).
- By enabling the option to block the risky application traffic, on Android and assuming ONP is enabled in your policy, you can also quarantine the Tik Tok mobile app in a one-click configuration (see attached) - With this configuration, no traffic is able to reach the Tik Tok app and the Tik Tok app is not able to access any external (C&C?) servers on the Internet.
- Now, taking it the next level, if you want to block any access from the mobile fleet to Tik Tok servers (whether from the mobile app or from a mobile browser), you can also define a network filtering rule under your Policy/Network/Blocked Locations. By importing the attached list of Tik Tok resources (domain names and IPs) - tiktok-Domains&Ips-short.csv, you will be able to ensure that no mobile device protected by Harmony Mobile is able to access the Tik Tok servers. Any attempt to access one of those domain names or IPs will trigger a local notification on the mobile device for the end-user and an event will be reported to the security admin in the admin console.
We plan to release a detailed SK article with all those policy options explained in the next few days,