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This can cause a Smart Console to crash. In this case, you can go to the "Settings / Help" menu and turn off "Enable easy mode". This will use a different function and the crash will no longer occur.
-> Would be happy if Check Point would fix this bug in the API.
Note - When the hosting server uses an invalid SSL certificate (self-signed), it prompts an Invalid Certificate confirmation window. Confirm the server's fingerprint against the SSL certificate which runs the Extension by selecting View Certificate. On the Certificate window, you can enable trust for this certificate with a click on Install Certificate to use the Certificate Import Wizard.
v7.0a URL changed + fixes 07/16/2024 v7.0 now with R82 support 02/11/2024
v6.1c problem fixed with R81.20 JHF 26 10/22/2023 v6.1b 3 problems fixed in version 6.1b 06/30/2023 v6.1a Small functional changes 04/02/2023 v6.0 Full CloudGuard gateway and VMSS support 03/29/2023
v5.9 New status for selected rows 03/28/2023 v5.8 Fix and button for CP read-only-command issue 03/27/2023 v5.7 Fix for Super User role permissions 03/27/2023 v5.6 Fix for long oneliner 03/27/2023 v5.5 Maestro gclish support -> new button "all SGMs" 03/26/2023 v5.4 Better "One Click" handling 03/25/2023 v5.3 Better error and status handling 03/24/2023 v5.2 Maestro g_all support -> new button "all SGMs" 03/23/2023 v5.1 Advanced status messages 03/22/2023 v5.0 Full MDS and SMS support 03/21/2023
v4.3 Support for VSX cluster 03/20/2023 v4.2 Support for gateways, VSX gateways 03/19/2023 v4.1 Stability fix 03/16/2023 v4.0 Execute CLI commands on selected 03/12/2023 gateways simultaneously
v3.8 Load "Top 40 CheckMates Commands" 03/08/2023 v3.7 Stability fix 03/06/2023 v3.6 Reached 1000 lines of programme code 03/05/2023 v3.5 Load 40 predefined commands for one click 03/04/2023 v3.4 Stability fix and converted to base64 commit+response 03/03/2023 v3.3 add button (small and large) 03/02/2023 v3.2 Push bugefix 03/02/2023 v3.1 Designe bugfix 03/01/2023 v3.0 Get and Push GAIA CLISH configs from/to gateway 03/01/2023
v2.1 Add one click cli commands 02/28/2023 v2.0 Execute "Expert Mode" and "CLISH" 02/27/2023 commands on all gateways simultaneously. v1.9 add beta function switch 02/25/2023 v1.8 now with copy to clipboard button 02/23/2023 v1.7 Command history. 02/21/2023 --> Execute the last 20 commands again. v1.6 120 sec. page refresh issue solved 02/20/2023 v1.5 Support for long "Oneliner" 02/18/2023 v1.4 Error handling 02/14/2023 v1.3 VSX gateway support 02/13/2023 v1.2 better error handling 02/07/2023 v1.1 now with "Expert Mode" and "CLISH" 02/06/2023 v1.0 kickoff version 02/04/2023
➜ CCSM Elite, CCME, CCTE ➜
Command - SmartConsole Extension
SmartConsole extension to execute commands on all gateways, VSX gateways, Maestro gateways, MDS, SMS, SmartEvent- and log-server.
Execute commands in "Expert Mode" and "CLISH".
Get and push GAIA CLISH configs from/to gateway.
Execute "Expert Mode" and "CLISH" commands on all gateways simultaneously.
Execute "Expert Mode" and "CLISH" commands on sele
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