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Champion Champion

Check Point Education - Visual glitches

I'd like to request the fix of some visual glitches as listed below.

Glitch 1 - The Check Point Certified Professional logo in everyones PDF certificate has a glitch.


Glitch 2 - Most Acclaim badges have transparent backgrounds, but a couple have a glitch and were uploaded to Acclaim with white backgrounds. This doesn't look good in dark mode and means additional work when trying to use the badges in presentation and CVs.


Glitch 3 - Most Acclaim badges from Check Point have different sizes. Why? This doesn't look well and again means additional work when trying to use these badges. You have to resize almost every badge to make them all the same size. Other vendors don't have such glitches with their badges.

Glitch 4 - Missing badges. As seen in the Check Point Certification Pyramid there are still a couple of badges missing (CCTA, CCTE, CCCS, Maestro Jumpstart). I passed the CCTA exam last week. Looks like I'm not going to get a badge anytime soon. Why is this important? Check Points Certified Professional Logos website didn't receive an update for many years. The only alternative to get a logo are the Acclaim badges. This matters especially for Partners like us as it's important to show the qualification to Check Point customers.

Glitch 5 - Missing SVG versions of badges and logos. In order to fully scale when a document or image gets zoomed it would be very helpful if Check Point could provide all badges and logos as SVG version.

Glitch 6 - Check Points  Visio stencils are not directly available as SVG graphics. When I do a Check Point security review and write the documentation I need to find a computer with Visio installed, load up the stencil, save it as SVG, transfer it back to my review pc and import it into the relevant document. Why so complicated? Also the appliance images used is the Appliance datasheets look so much better, but also these aren't available as SVG graphics.

13 Replies

Thank you for the feedback. We will look into that and fix accordingly. 

Best Regards 


Employee Employee

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the feedback. My apologies for the delayed response. Your list of visual glitches is quite detailed and reaches across many different areas of responsibility within Check Point, however, I will address the items related to my team.

Glitch 1 – The Certified logo was created and included in the certificate template several years ago. Given this, we do not know who owns the source file of the graphic. However, when we request a refresh of the template we will make sure to give attention to these types of small details before it is approved and released.

Glitch 2 – The Acclaim badges are created and issued by various teams within the Check Point organization. We allow this flexibility so that each team can provide its own unique visual representation as an extension of the Check Point brand. To fix the background issue, we will identify the badges created with white backgrounds and have them changed to the transparent format.

Glitch 3 – Originally, Acclaim technical badge dimension specifications were 352 x 352 pixels. After joining Credly, the dimensions were changed to 600 x 600 for sharing on all social media platforms. 

Glitch 4 – Currently, we are not automatically issuing badges for the Specialist training courses because they are accreditations and not core certifications. We are in the process of defining our badge issuance policy which will determine which badges will be issued over the next 12 months.

Glitch 5 – All badges are managed through the Acclaim site and only available in PNG format.


Vanessa Johnson

Americas ATC Program Manager and Certification Development

Champion Champion

Hi @Vanessa_Johnson ,

Regarding Glich 3:

Independently from the image dimensions the visual percentage of the image that is used for the actual badge should always be the same. I tried to make the divergent sizes more visual recognizable in the image below. As you can see almost every badge uses a different percentage of space within the image. Especially the Certified PS badges are very tiny. But also the others are divergent from each other if you look very closely. This should be fixed. When I was preparing my presentation for Check Points Cyber Security Summit 2020 I had to spend extra work on every badge to make them all fit and look nice in a grid.


Champion Champion

New glitch:

The badge for Check Point Cyber Range Warrior Level-6 shows the wrong image (for Level-4). -> Fixed.

Employee Employee

Hi Danny,

Thanks again for the feedback. The badge owners/issuers created the badges without additional graphics.




Employee Employee

Hi Danny,

Thanks for your feedback. I will notify the issuer of this badge to get it corrected.

Take care,

Vanessa Johnson

Champion Champion

The graphics were added. Also the graphic of the CPSC badge was refreshed, which now contains a glitch:


Another glitch is that the dates don't match. CPSC Badges earned in 2020 have just been renamed for 2021 but the issuing date clearly shows that they have been earned before 2021. Example. Even more the 2021 at the bottom doesn't seem to be correctly centered. It looks a bit left-shifted.

Employee Employee

Hi Danny,

These badges are owned and issued by the Partner Alliance team. I believe Daniel Dor is the manager of that group. Please reach out via email to @Uri Nishry to address your concerns.

Champion Champion

Thanks, will do. I have their mail address. @Uri_Nishry

Champion Champion

Here is a new one..
Is it Appocalypse or Appocalyps?



Alerted the responsible team, thanks

Employee Employee

Thanks Val.

And thanks for the notification Danny.



Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol.

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