Hello Community,
we've upgraded our management server to version R81.10 while our gateways are still on R80.40 with the latest jumbo hotfix. As soon as the policy (access & threat prevention) was installed the first time via the updated server our complete threat prevention rule set went out of service.
We are only able to see logs which are created by the 39 Core Protections. No more logs are shown for IPS, Anti-Bot, Anti Virus.
By checking one of the logs from a core protection we saw that the name of our threat profile changed from our usual name to "No_protection_1b58..."

When I click on the "No_protection_1b58..." threat profile I get forwarded to our currently active threat prevention profile.
We've tried almost anything:
Creating new threat profiles and add them to our threat prevention custom policy
Creating new profiles for the 39 core protections and inspection settings
Creating new threat prevention layers
None off this worked out. Beside of the 39 core protections threat prevention is not showing any logs anymore and we are pretty sure that it's currently not working.
What do we miss? Any help would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards