Excellent point @Lesley
@Ihenock1011 I ran one in my lab and attached the file. There is BUNCH of ips stuff there, see if any of those help.
Edit. Does not let me attach the file, but I copied some portions.
<best_practice display_id="IPS103" display_name="This checks that the Profile's IPS Policy activates all newly updated protections" description="This checks that IPS Protections have been activated on each profile in accordance with the IPS policy" recommendation="For each IPS profile's newly activated protections, select Active according to profile settings." blade="IPS" result="Secure" rate="100" active="TRUE" due_date="">
<relevant_object id="IPS103_1" type="default" relevant_object="Optimized-lab" result="Secure" active="TRUE"/>
<best_practice display_id="IPS111" display_name="Check that IPS protections per Gateway activated according to the IPS policy" description="This test checks all IPS gateways that their protections have been activated according to the policy." recommendation="The IPS Protections should be activated according to the policy." blade="IPS" result="Secure" rate="100" active="TRUE" due_date="">