5 more emails fresh in.
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:31:48; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 13; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:cdn.rebel.ai; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243206 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:31:48; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 14; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:cdn.rebel.ai; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243207 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:31:48; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 17; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:d8rk54i4mohrb.cloudfront.net; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243211 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network ;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:31:50; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 9; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while acc essing:9772e8e882bb9041133b6abea710b0fa.safeframe.googlesyndication.com; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243221 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: A nti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:03; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 17; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:go.ezoic.net; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243227 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:04; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 13; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:ezodn.com/detroitchicago/boise.js?gcb=188-1&cb=1; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243250 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; Pr
oductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:05; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 22; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:ce.lijit.com; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243265 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:18; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 28; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:go.ezoic.net/detroitchicago/audins.js?cb=188-1; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243289 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; Prod
uctFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:19; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 12; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:edge.quantserve.com/quant.js; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243295 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: URL Filtering; ProductFamily: Networ k;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:32:25; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 6; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while acc essing:ct.pinterest.com; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243313 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:33:49; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 21; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:nebulaaa9.webex.com; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243368 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;
HeaderDateHour: 13Jul2020 10:33:49; ContentVersion: 5; HighLevelLogKey: N/A; Uuid: {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0}; SequenceNum: 22; Action: ctl; Origin: XXX; IfDir: >; InterfaceName: daemon; Alert: mail; OriginSicName: N/A; description: Error occur while ac cessing:nebulaaa9.webex.com; reason: Failed to fetch CP Site Resource. Timeout was reached, check /opt/CPsuite-R80.30/fw1/log/rad_events/Errors/flow_11080_1243369 For more details; severity: 3; ProductName: Anti Malware; ProductFamily: Network;