running R81.00 T36 on virtual Lab, fresh install, no fancy stuff. 1x SMS, 2x GWs as ClusterXL, 1x local MAIL/SMTP Threat emulation. Everything is updated/latest like IPS/image downloads/TE engine version
When I send an e-mail with a link inside, for example: https://secure.eicar.org/eicar_com.zip the SMTP Threat Emulation skips the mail with the error "error during preparion phase." Sending the malicous file "directly" the emulation works as designed and the mail gets blocked due to malicous attachement.
I reinstalled the whole Lab with R81.00 no Update and R81.00 T23, same thing. With R80.40 T118 it works. Installation process is
always the same.
Things I did:
- different Emulating OS (XP,7,10)
- with/without HTTPS inspection
- links to malicious and non-malicous files
- links to http and https
- checking connection with ping/wget/curl/dig/..
From the logs (see below) it does not look like a configuration misbehavoir (filesize error). I cannot remember if i have ever seen it working on R81 since i always send the files directly.
I could not find any SK or googling info. So, is anyone out there successfully running R81.00 with local emulation? Any ideas? Something that I miss?
Thanks in advance for your input.

mail-header (nothing special):
To: xx@yy.zz
From: zz@yy.xx
Subject: TEST aa
Message-ID: <48a9beb4-2530-9b2f-b0eb-94adf6d63351@yy.zz>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:41:36 +0200
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Language: en-US
:connection (
:src_ip (
:src_port (0)
:dst_ip (
:dst_port (25)
:protocol (6)
:meta_data (
:file_orig_name (file0QEFlf.cp_lnk)
:file_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/file0QEFlf.cp_lnk")
:file_type (cp_lnk)
:file_len (38)
:protocol (smtp)
:rule_id (1)
:free_text ()
:should_track ()
:malware_rule_id ("{F38A5084-E80D-4130-9152-3733F0D216E3}")
:scope_ip (
:conn_id ()
:session_id ()
:instance_id ()
:investigation_path (PATH_TE)
:av_deep_scan ()
:av_ifi ()
:cdir (2)
:http_data (
:url ()
:smtp_data (
:to (xx@yy.zz)
:from (zz@yy.xx)
:subject (" TEST TEST aa")
:body_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFile")
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Handling new file "file0QEFlf.cp_lnk", Path: /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/file0QEFlf.cp_lnk, rule_number = 1, rule name = MTA traffic to Gateway sb , investigation_path = PATH_TE
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Local Partial response is enabled
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Remote Partial response is enabled
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Cloud Partial response is enabled
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'system state' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'system state' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {system state} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'url prepare handler' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'url prepare handler' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {url prepare handler} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'classifier' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'classifier' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {classifier} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'policy' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'policy' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {policy} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'file' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'file' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {file} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'prepare persistency' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'prepare persistency' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {prepare persistency} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'contract' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'contract' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {contract} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'cache inquirer' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} URL from mail
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} no images found in event profile..do nothing..
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'cache inquirer' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {cache inquirer} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} path in ep: /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFilein response data: /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFile
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Reporting back action: unknown; Confidence: 0; InvestigationPath: PATH_TE
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_IS_TRACE (TD::All)] te_is::SocketApiServer::Transmit: transmit on conn_id: 2 data:
:event_id ("{7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C}")
:action (unknown)
:confidence (none)
:done (0)
:file_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/file0QEFlf.cp_lnk")
:md5_string ()
:investigation_path (PATH_TE)
:additional_data ()
:body_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFile")
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'duplicate' (phase: 'processing')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'duplicate' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {duplicate} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'url handler' (phase: 'processing')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} url: https://secure.eicar.org/eicar_com.zip, extension :zip, head rc = 200
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling download with file path = /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/te/te_tmp_files/fb0a3687a8a8aeb9
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'url handler' reporting back (status: full rewind and data reset)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {url handler} total duration time in milliseconds is: 383, current combined verdict is: Inert
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'system state' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'system state' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'url prepare handler' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'url prepare handler' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'classifier' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'classifier' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'policy' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} adding image 'e50e99f3-5963-4573-af9e-e3f4750b55e2' for emulation
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'policy' reporting back (status: done)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} calling investigator 'file' (phase: 'prepare')
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE (TD::Surprise)] te::FileInvestigatorTE::CheckFileSize: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} file size (184) != file size from metadata (38): /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/te/te_tmp_files/{77554640-E7C2-3242-8017-C55F16D2FF89}
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} investigator 'file' reporting back (status: error)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE (TD::Surprise)] te::InvestigatorManager::ProcessReport: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {file} reported: error
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE (TD::Surprise)] te::InvestigatorManager::ProcessReport: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} setting global verdict to error (prepare phase error)
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} verdict 'Error' set for image: 'e50e99f3-5963-4573-af9e-e3f4750b55e2' (WinXP,Office 2003/7,Adobe 9) by: 7, reason: error during prepare phase
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} {file} total duration time in milliseconds is: 1, current combined verdict is: Error
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} path in ep: /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFilein response data: /opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFile
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_TRACE]: {7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C} Reporting back action: error; Confidence: 0; InvestigationPath: PATH_TE
[8386 4103927744][6 Aug 15:55:30] [TE_IS_TRACE (TD::All)] te_is::SocketApiServer::Transmit: transmit on conn_id: 2 data:
:event_id ("{7348D08E-1103-0046-A24A-34B39CDC0E8C}")
:action (error)
:confidence (none)
:done (0)
:file_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/file0QEFlf.cp_lnk")
:md5_string ()
:investigation_path (PATH_TE)
:additional_data ("error reason: error during prepare phase")
:body_path ("/opt/CPsuite-R81/fw1/tmp/email_tmp/emailtemp-1628258130-1819055117-1381680526_D/MailBodyFile")