Hi Timothy,
Thank you for your post.
I've checked this cpwd_admin list and I see tp_conf_service:
# cpwd_admin list
TP_CONF_SERVICE 7433 E 1 [15:43:03] 17/6/2022 N tp_conf_service --conf=tp_conf.json --log=error
FWD 7591 E 1 [15:43:05] 17/6/2022 N fwd
No TPD here, and as you can see FWD also exists here.
Regarding this tool itp it gives in itp status:
CPM Status: None PID: None
API Status: Unknown PID: None Port: 443
ITP SERVER Status: Not running PID: None Port: 443
If I try to execute itp start it ends up with no error.
There is only information regarding starting dockerd service, and after minute or maybe little more it finishes:
# itp start
Trying to enable simplified_threat_prevention Auto Update service
Updates state changed to on for component simplified_threat_prevention
Docker daemon is currently stopped.
starting dockerd service
Dockers is supported only on Mgmt installations.
However itp status gives the same result as before.
Do you know location of logs from Autonomous TP that maybe will put some light on this issue ?
Something like flow files from $FWDIR/log/rad_events/Errors/ for HTTPS Inspection ?