Nice list, thanks. A few others I ran into:
1) Related to your comment about not being to set Inactive, with Autonomous Threat Prevention Management (ATPM) it is not possible to do a "null" TP profile to completely exclude certain traffic from TP inspection and improve performance. Setting a global exception to Inactive does NOT do the same thing. Would be nice if there was another option called "Bypass" along with Prevent/Detect/Inactive that could be invoked in a global exception to achieve the same effect of a TP null profile when ATPM is enabled.
2) This is a big one: When ATPM is enabled only pre-existing GLOBAL exceptions remain in effect, and the documentation is very clear going forward that global exceptions will need to be added to work with ATPM. What they left out is that any existing rule-based exceptions will suddenly stop working when ATPM is enabled. At most customer sites I've seen, the bulk of exceptions are rule-based because that is how they are created when an administrator clicks "Add Exception" from the log card when looking at a false positive log. This effect will cause major havoc to ensue at most sites when ATPM is first enabled and all those rule-based exceptions abruptly stop working. There really should be a recommendation to convert all your rule-based exceptions to global ones before enabling ATPM, perhaps even a warning popup that appears in the SmartConsole when first enabling ATPM if any rule-based exceptions exist warning you to convert them to global ones first if you still need them.
3) All gateways utilizing a single policy package must use the same autonomous profile; there is no way to set different autonomous profiles on separate gateways/clusters using the same policy package. Not a big deal as most sites seem to use one policy package per gateway or cluster, but could be an issue at sites with consolidated policies for multiple gateways.
4) If your gateway is acting as an MTA, you can't use ATPM.
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