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The CheckMates Blog

Here's where we let you know what's going on with the CheckMates Community.


Share your Cyber Security insights on-stage at #CPX360 2020 !



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Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
Past and future posts will be available here: The CheckMates Blog
To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: The CheckMates Blog RSS Feed
See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed)

CheckMates Around The World

We had events in Nashville, Tallinn, and Sydney, three very different parts of the world! The Estonian's loved us so much, they branded their servers with CheckMates stickers!

CheckMates Nashville.jpegCheckMates Nashville Oren Koren.jpegVal in Tallinn.jpegCheckMates Servers.jpegCheckMates Sydney.jpeg

Community Highlights

Here are the threads to watch from the last week:

New How-To Videos

What Happens When A License Expires?

We had a couple threads asking about this:

GAIA API Version 1.2 is Now Available

Adds some new features.

TCP SACK PANIC Kernel Vulnerabilities: is Check Point Affected?

It depends, check the discussion for details.

IPS Signature Does Not Match with Attack Type

Some attacks use older methods to gain entry, and we have signatures to block those. 

Ransomware Simulator Tool Results Showing Check Point Endpoint Unable to Detect Known Ransomware

Fake news, as ransomware simulators don't necessarily act the same way as real ransomware does.

Botnet Activity Detection

How it works.

Seeing Odd Behavior in R80.20

If a gateway can't resolve a particular DNS name, it can definitely cause "odd behavior."

Command to Show History of ClusterXL Member Status

Querying the cpview database directly.

Upcoming Events

We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks

If you would like a CheckMates Live event in your area, get in contact with us: 

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1 0 662

Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
Past and future posts will be available here: The CheckMates Blog
To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: The CheckMates Blog RSS Feed
See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed)

Celebrating and Improving the Community

As you've undoubtedly seen, we've kicked off our activities where we recognize and celebrate The Best of the Best on CheckMates. Take a moment and vote for the best of the best on CheckMates in the last year, make your own how-to video, suggest a replacement for FlatMoti, propose your idea of the year, and participate in the CheckMates (social media) Challenge!

Meanwhile, a few small visual improvements were made on the site this week. Nothing too drastic, but hopefully it will make the site a little easier to use. Your feedback is welcome, of course!

Community Highlights

Here are the threads to watch from the last week:

R80.30 Technical Update TechTalk

Get the skinny on what we launched over the last couple of weeks.

HTTPS Inspection and Website Categorization Introduced in R80.30

Meanwhile @Peter_Elmer did a short presentation on one of the R80.30 enhancements.

R80.30 Packet Processing: Achieving Infinity

Not necessary specific to R80.30, but another video from @Peter_Elmer about how packets are processed.

New R80.20 Management Image Available as an Ongoing Release

Resolves a few installation issues.

migrate_server export running for over 3 hours

If the process appears to be taking a while, check your disk space.

VSX Discussions

We had a couple this week:

Finalizing Stuck at 99% During Policy Installation

Good news is that the policy's already being enforced at this point.

Export Rules

Not necessarily for import.

How to Remove a Domain from an MDS via API

Not necessarily for import.

Get Early Access to our new Threat Prevention APIs

Addresses a few requests we've had on CheckMates 😁


Upcoming Events

We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks

If you would like a CheckMates Live event in your area, get in contact with us: 

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0 0 690

It's that time of the year where we say cheers to you, the CheckMates Community!
While @_Val_ and I were in Tel Aviv, we recorded a fun little video with @Moti to kick things off - watch it below!

Similar to our Birthday Celebration last year, we're going to have you nominate and vote on "the best of the best" on CheckMates for the year, but we have a few additional activities this year where you can win prizes, including a trip to Tel Aviv to meet with R&D and enjoy a taste of what Israel has to offer!

The Best of CheckMates

We invite you to vote for your favorite highlights on CheckMates over the past year! Among the categories we have “CheckMates Post of the year”, “Member of the Year”, "Rising star of the Year” and more!

Vote for your favorites and enter a raffle to WIN an Apple Watch!

We also invite you to share your Idea of the Year

How-To Videos

Know how to do something with a Check Point product or service?
Record a short video showing how to do it and submit to our How-To Video contest!
One lucky winner will get a trip to Tel Aviv. Other prizes include a new iPhone and an Apple Watch.

New Mascot

@Moti insisted we come up with a replacement for #FlatMoti, who makes regular appearances at CheckMates events.
So, let's ask the community: what do you think would make a good mascot?
Submit your idea to our New Mascot Contest!

We Are CheckMates!

We're looking to spread CheckMates across the globe and we need your help!
Follow us on LinkedIn, download the CheckMates Challenge logo to your device or even print it out. Take it to a unique place, snap a snazzy photo of it or take a selfie with it—no Photoshop jobs! Share your photo on LinkedIn, tagging Check Point CheckMates and using the hashtag #CheckMatesChallenge before 12th August 2019. An Apple Watch Series 4 will be rewarded to the most creative picture, in the coolest place! May the best pic win!


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10 10 29.5K

Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
Past and future posts will be available here: The CheckMates Blog
To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: The CheckMates Blog RSS Feed
See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed)

Community Highlights

Here are the threads to watch from the last week:

R80.10 Jumbo Hotfix 214

New ongoing jumbo hotfix is available for R80.10.

R80.20.M2 Jumbo Hotfix

If you're considering this release, consider R80.30 instead.

Change admin Password to Enter SmartConsole R80.10

Couple ways to do it.

Is Both HTTPS Inspection and Categorize HTTPS Websites Supported?

From R80.20, yes.

Different DNS Server per VS

Not currently supported.

SmartLog (and SmartView) Query Syntaxes

How to search for different networks in the logs.

Proxy ARP on Gaia

When working with NAT.

Creating (and Updating) Network Objects via API

What's the process for figuring out an object exists and updating it?

Protocol Signatures

What are they?

Upcoming Events

We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks

If you would like a CheckMates Live event in your area, get in contact with us: 

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0 0 937

Welcome to "This Week in CheckMates," your weekly highlight reel for all things CheckMates!
Past and future posts will be available here: The CheckMates Blog
To have these updates show up in your preferred RSS reader add the following URL: The CheckMates Blog RSS Feed
See also our social media accounts and our podcast (RSS Feed)

Shenanigans in Tel Aviv

@_Val_ and I were in Tel Aviv recording a video, among other things. We'll share the video soon, but here's a still from the video:


Community Highlights

Here are the threads to watch from the last week:

Upgrading Check Point Standalone Appliance to R80.x

You can do it, but you'll want to add some RAM.

Which R80.20 IPS Default Profile is equal to IPS R77.30 "Recommended" profile?

The IPS Profiles in R80.x are somewhat different than the R77.x ones.

USB not Detected in MAC with Media Encryption Blade Enabled

There's a couple different reasons this might occur.

CP4B Part 11: Threat Prevention

The next installment of our Check Point for Beginners series.

EOL versus EOS Question

What to replace those older appliances with.

Disclaimer Banner Pop-Up on VPN Connection

Clever use of Windows scripting.

R80.20 Fresh Install Fails on VMware ESXi

If you're installing in VMware, there's a couple things to keep in mind.

R80.10 Concurrent Administrators

Definitely one of the best reasons to upgrade to R80.x.

Check Point Created Objects Not Available for Reuse

Get Topology in R80.x creates objects that you might not be able to use. Here's how to fix that.

Upcoming Events

We are now maintaining our event calendar in Google Calendar.
You can browse our calendar of events here: CheckMates Calendar 
Here's where you can find @Valeri_Loukine and I over the next few weeks

If you would like a CheckMates Live event in your area, get in contact with us: 

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