I'm currently attempting to user SAML to authenticate users through VPN, and I'm on this last step on allowing Remote Access VPN for security gateway version R80.40 and higher as stated on sk172909. I'm on the last step in enabling it through the script, but unfortunately its giving me the failed to login error after entering the smartconsole credentials as instructed. We are applying the said scripts to our HA firewall, so the script has been transferred to both FW1 and FW2.

As I'm currently exploring this, I can't seem to confirm the "apache port" used. but with the assumption that the said apache port is used when logging in to the SMS appliance via web, I am using 4434. I have confirmed also that 4434 is the ssl port used. 
I just want to know if has anyone experienced anything similar to this? I can't seem to check any other information regarding this step, or any post-execution logs to specifically know what part of the process is causing the error message.