The clusterXL_admin up|down and equivalent set cluster member admin up|down commands do not directly impact the state of the cluster, they create and clear a fake failure called "admin_down" that may cause a failover depending on the current state of the cluster and where the command was run. Based on the exchange of CCP packets the cluster member in the best state (with the fewest failures) essentially "wins" and goes active.
Here are some examples which assume that the default "maintain current active member" is set on the cluster object:
Member 1: Active
Member 2: Standby
Member 2: Runs clusterXL_admin down; clusterXL_admin up
Result: No effect, Member 1 active
Member 1: Active
Member 2: Standby
Member 1: Runs clusterXL_admin down (failover to Member 2 occurs); clusterXL_admin up
Result: Member 2 remains active
Member 1: Active
Member 2: Standby
Member 1: Runs clusterXL_admin down (failover to Member 2 who is now active)
Member 2: Runs clusterXL_admin down (no effect, both members have equal failure)
Result: Member 2 still active
Member 1: Runs clusterXL_admin up (failover back to Member 1 who is now active)
Member 2: Runs clusterXL_admin up (no effect, neither member has a failure)
Result: Member 1 remains active
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March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones