Hello and thank you for your support.
Yes, both are managed by the same management, but the certificate is from an external CA (Digicert). Let me show you some images for better explanation:
This is the current CLuster which I need to replace, it has the certificate signed by Digicert CA.

Now, this is the new Cluster which I'm preparing for migration, so, I need to ensure it has the same certificate as current Cluster. I know I can export the certificate from the SMS with export_p12 command, but there is not option to import such certificate in the Cluster properties:

If I click "Add" this takes me to generate the CSR, but this process was made in the past whe creating the certificate for the current cluster.

So, my question is whether there is a method to import the certificate directly, or need to make the signing process again.
Thank you in advance for your help.