Hi all,
I hesitate to ask this because I think this is quite elementary, but I need a bit of explanation.
I am testing how policy based routing works in CP, wanting to make CP route packets to eth0 or eth2, according to what a certain packet is.
The environment as follows.

FortiGate has allow-all policy, no UTM activated.
GW1, 2 play role of cluster of ClusterXL.

Here eth1 is in trusted zone, eth0, eth2 untrusted.
Default route is set on eth0, and only HTTPS to FGT's external IP ( goes to eth2 by policy based routing.
The test above was successful.
I made changes to routing policy for only ICMP to go through eth2, which failed due to timeouts.
I am not experienced enough to understand what is happening.
I believe this is quite basic networking topic, not the one of CP...
I feel sorry to ask this stupid question, but your comments would be highly appreciated.
sliver bullet: casting repero or tossing it into the harbor