Our gateways are on R80.10
We currently have two interfaces configured as Topology - External. We want to change one of them to be Topology - Network defined by Routes.

There doesn't appear to be this option on R80.10 although the help does takes you to this page:-
Understanding Topology
An interface can be defined as being External (leading to the Internet) or Internal (leading to the LAN).
The type of network that the interface Leads To:
- Internet (External) or This Network (Internal) - This is the default setting. It is automatically calculated from the topology of the gateway. To update the topology of an internal network after changes to static routes, click Network Management > Get Interfaces in the General Properties window of the gateway.
- Override - Override the default setting.
If you Override the default setting:
- Internet (External) - All external/Internet addresses
- This Network (Internal) -
- Not Defined - All IP addresses behind this interface are considered a part of the internal network that connects to this interface
- Network defined by the interface IP and Net Mask - Only the network that directly connects to this internal interface
- Network defined by routes - The gateway dynamically calculates the topology behind this interface. If the network changes, there is no need to click "Get Interfaces" and install a policy.
- Specific - A specific network object (a network, a host, an address range, or a network group) behind this internal interface
- Interface leads to DMZ - The DMZ that directly connects to this internal interface
One that will remain as External leads to our External facing firewall, the other which we want to change leads to our internal network.
We also have Anti-Spoofing set on this interface .
Firstly is this option available in R80.10 and if not what option is recommended to point back to our internal network.
Secondly will changing this cause us any outage?