Ive been having trouble stablishing a passive FTP connection with a host that resides in a public IP.
The connection itself works, but when i try to transfer or list a file i keep receiving reject from the firewall indicating error (227)
Ive followed the instructions on the sk on this error (227) which is https://support.checkpoint.com/results/sk/sk171375
Remove all FTP services from the rule and use only ftp service. If you want only to use Passive mode FTP, use only ftp-pasv service in the rule. (In addition, this applies if you do not use multiple services with the same port in the same rule.)
Despite the rule is matched, it still gets rejected, as soon as an ls command is issued on the session. High tcp ports are also allowed.
Keep receiving the the same message (227)
I understand that it get's rejected because the client is sending a port command when working in passive mode, but my linux is configured to work on passive mode and it works ok with other hosts... Also the connection from a network outside of the scope of the firewall also work.
I dont quite understand why does the host try to send a port command, even when the firewall detects it is a passive ftp connection, as it get matched with rule 6..
Wyh does this happen?